- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Penrith is a recognised leader in sustainable waste management, particularly our household organic waste recycling service. Council is committed to actively supporting our community to reduce waste sent to landfill through reducing, reusing, recycling and generally disposing of waste responsibly. We provide domestic and commercial waste collection and recycling services and promote waste avoidance and resource recovery. We also play a role through the approvals and regulation processes as regulator of building and land development activity.
Supporting Sustainable Choices Scheme
Consider replacing single-use items with sustainable, reusable products like cloth nappies, sanitary items, rechargeable batteries, and food storage containers. This switch benefits the environment and could save you money. Plus, your household may qualify for a rebate under Council’s Supporting Sustainable Choices Scheme. Visit this page for more info.
Electronic Waste Drop-Off Days
Council holds regular free Electronic Waste Drop-Off Days at The Kingsway Playing Fields in Werrington
Find out about our commercial waste service and how we can help local businesses manage their waste.
Show your pride in Penrith. Never waste a chance toto be great with waste. Take your litter with you or place it in public access street litter bins. Caring for our environment by keeping it clean and litter-free protects our natural resources and makes Penrith a more enjoyable place to live, work, and play. Click here to find our more.
Collect and Return Waste Service
Residents in Penrith's multi-unit complexes have a shared bin service known as a Collect & Return.