Sport and Recreation Strategy
- Details
- Written by: Philippa Borland Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

The Sport and Recreation Strategy is a 15-year road map for the future provision of sport, play, recreation and open space facilities across our City.
The strategy has been divided into timeframes for delivery including, short term (1-5 years), medium term (6-10 years) and long term (10-15 years). It includes a program of work to deliver 82 projects valued at $125 million in the first five years.
Reviews will be undertaken during each period to consider progress of implementation, community need, infrastructure development in the City, contemporary trends in sport and recreation, and resource availability.
An Executive Summary document has been developed which should be read in conjunction with the main Sport and Recreation Strategy document. The documents integrate with and will inform other planning strategies that have been either completed or are being developed for the City. It will also be a critical document in informing the development of the City’s future s7.11 Developer Contributions Plan.
You can read the strategy here:
Interactive Map
Actions from the Sport and Recreation Strategy identify priority projects across the Local Government Area. The map below includes 82 projects valued at $125 million to be delivered in the first five years between 2019-2024.
Search by Year, Suburb or Category to find out what projects are happening in your local area.
Filter by:
- Suburb: Berkshire Park, Cambridge Gardens, Cambridge Park, Castlereagh, Claremont Meadows, Colyton, Cranebrook, Emu Heights, Emu Plains, Erskine Park, Glenmore Park, Jamisontown, Jordan Springs, Kingswood, Leonay, Llandilo, Londonderry, Luddenham, Mt Vernon, Mulgoa, Mulgoa Rise, North St Marys, Orchard Hills, Oxley Park, Penrith, South Penrith, St Clair, St Marys, Wallacia, Werrington, Werrington Downs
- Financial Year: 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24
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Open Space
Apple Gum Reserve Lighting Improvements
Location: Lady Jamison Drive, Glenmore Park
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Renew the lighting of reserve pathway
Boronia Park Upgrade
Location: Boronia Road, North St Marys
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, Cricket NSW (cricket practice facility), NSW Government (dog park upgrade)
rugby league amenities improvements
new cricket amenities
- upgraded cricket practice facility
- LED floodlighting upgrades for all rugby league fields and irrigation improvements for rugby league fields 3-5
irrigation system and LED floodlighting upgrades for fields 3-5
LED floodlighting upgrades for netball courts
dog park upgrade
four new asphalt netball courts (completed 2021)
Capella Reserve
Location: Capella Street, Erskine Park
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council
Improve park landscaping – tree, shrub and native grass planting
- Accessible picnic table with furniture
- Seating
- Pathways
- Sculpture installation
- Bins
- Water drinking fountain
Chameleon Reserve Precinct
Location: Erskine Park Road, Erskine Park
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council and State Government - 5 Million Trees
- Install new play equipment
- Improve pathways and landscaping
- Install dog off-leash area
City Park, Penrith CBD
Location: Corner Station Street and Henry Street , Penrith
Year: 2020-2023
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council and the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program and Public Spaces Legacy Program
- new open space
Emu Green
Location: Russell Street, Emu Heights
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
- Investigate Recreation opportunities
Fowler Reserve
Location: Silverdale Road, Wallacia
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
- Investigate Recreation opportunities
Gipps Street Recreation Precinct
Location: Gipps Street, Claremont Meadows
Year: 2020-2023
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – Open Spaces Pilot Project, Greater Cities Sports Facilities Fund and Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund
- New sports fields
- Amenities buildings
- Irrigation systems
- Playground and recreation space
- Parking
Jamison Park Seating & Landscaping
Location: York Road, South Penrith
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $190,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Federal Government - Sports Australia Infrastructure Grant
- Install picnic shelters
- Install park furniture
- Improve landscaping
Jordan Springs East Development (Stage 1)
Location: Wianamatta Parkway, Jordan Springs
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Developer Contributions
- Construct new sporting fields
- Construct amenities buildings
- Install irrigation systems
- Cricket nets
- Multi-courts
- Playground and recreation space
- Parking
Regatta Park New Precinct Development
Location: River Road, Emu Plains
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Construction
Funding source: Penrith City Council and State Government - Liveability Fund
- New precinct layout
- New all ages inclusive play space including water play
- Improve landscaping and path network
- New picnic facilities
- Improve parking
- New road and infrastructure improvements
Robin Wiles Park Upgrade (Stage 1)
Location: Maple Road, North St Marys
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $720,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government - Everyone Can Play Grant
- Pathways
- Seating
- Landscaping
- 600m share-path circuit
- Water refill station
- 2 viewing mounds
- Sandstone log trails
- 2 solar lights
- Accessible parking
- Hopscotch and trike track on asphalt
- 6 softfall mounds
Roper Road Adjacent (Old Jam Factory)
Location: Roper Road, Colyton
Category: Open space
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
- Investigate Recreation opportunities
Armstein Crescent Playspace Upgrade
Location: Armstein Crescent, Werrington
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Bel-Air Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Location: Bel-Air Road, Penrith
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Berkshire Park playspace upgrade
Location: Sixth Road, Berkshire Park
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install minor upgrades to playspace
Brian King Park Playspace
Location: Braddon Street, Oxley Park
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $224,806
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shade
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Brooker & Day Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Location: Cnr Brooker and Day Streets, Colyton
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – Community Building Partnership
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Bunyarra Reserve Playspace*
Location: Bunyarra Drive, Emu Plains
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $155,336
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shade
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Burcher Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Hornseywood Avenue, Penrith
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $120,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
David Currie Playspace
Location: Banks Drive, St Clair
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW and Australian Governments
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating, picnic shelters
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
- Enhance car park
- Amenities building including; unisex family change area, unisex ambulant toilet, MLAK-fitted accessible toilet and MLAK-fitted adult change facility
Dorothy Radford Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Location: Corner Daniel Parade and Hunter Street, St Clair
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Eileen Cammack Playspace Upgrade
Location: York Road, South Penrith
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Explorers Way Playspace Upgrade
Location: Explorers Way, St Clair
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Gilmour Street Playspace Upgrade
Location: Corner Gilmour Street and Turner Street, Colyton
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Glengarry Drive Playspace Upgrade
Location: Sunbird Terrace, Glenmore Park
Year: 2020-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Goldmark Crescent (Kurwan Reserve) Playspace Upgrade
Location: Goldmark Crescent, Cranebrook
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Henry Brigden Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Corner Thurston Street and Blaxland Avenue, Penrith
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Iron Bark Way Playspace Upgrade
Location: Iron Bark Way, Colyton
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Ironbark Drive Playspace*
Location: Ironbark Drive, Cranebrook
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $169,115
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shading
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Leonay Parade Playspace Upgrade
Location: Leonay Parade, Leonay
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $190,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Londonderry Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Corner Muscharry Road and Carrington Road, Londonderry
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Monfarville Reserve New Playspace*
Location: Monfarville Street, St Marys
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Mayoral Challenge
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Mt Vernon (Bowood Park) Shade Upgrade
Location: Bowood Road, Mt Vernon
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $30,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install shade upgrades to playspace
Mulgoa Park Upgrade
Location: Corner Mulgoa Road and Littlefields Road, Mulgoa
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $650,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Pathways
- Landscaping
- Seating
- Water refill station
- New play equipment
- Shade structure
- Multi-court upgrade
- Toilet amenities
- Refurbishment of existing play equipment
Myrtle Road Reserve Playspace Upgrade *
Location: Myrtle Road & San Diego Street, Claremont Meadows
Year: 2020-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $48,249
Funding source: NSW Government in association with Penrith City Council through the Community Building Partnership
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Nindi Crescent Playspace Upgrade
Location: Nindi Crescent, Glenmore Park
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – Everyone Can Play Grant
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Oriole Street Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Location: Oriole Street, Glenmore Park
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $120,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Outlook Avenue Playspace*
Location: Outlook Avenue & Glen Road, Emu Heights
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $124,838
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shading
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Pauline Field Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Stafford Street, Penrith
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Pendock Road Reserve Playspace Upgrade
Location: Pendock Road, Cranebrook
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Mayoral Challenge
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Penrose Crescent Playspace Upgrade
Location: Penrose Crescent, South Penrith
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Ridgeview Crescent Playspace Upgrade
Location: Ridgeview Crescent, Erskine Park
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Robinson Park Playspace
Location: Glenbrook Street, Jamisontown
Year: 2019-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $181,530
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shade
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Sales Park Playspace
Location: Campbell Street, Luddenham
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $97,207
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Improve shade
- Install seating
- Improve landscaping and pathways
Smith Park Shade Upgrade
Location: Castle Street, Castlereagh
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $30,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install shade upgrades to playspace
Spence Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Cnr Derby and Doonmore Streets, Penrith
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $200,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council - Mayoral Challenge and NSW Goverment - Community Building Partnership Program, Everyone Can Play Grant and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Stapley Street Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Stapley Street, Kingswood
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Sunbird Terrace Playspace Upgrade
Location: Sunbird Terrace, Glenmore Park
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Estimated Project Cost: $158,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
The Carriageway Playspace*
Location: The Carriageway, Glenmore Park
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $85,859
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new play equipment
- Install seating
Trinity Drive Reserve Junior Playspace Upgrade
Location: Trinity Drive, Cambridge Gardens
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government – Everyone Can Play Grant
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Wilson Park Playspace Upgrade
Location: Seventh Avenue, Llandilo
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Mayoral Challenge
- Install new play equipment
- Create shade
- Install seating
- Upgrade landscaping and pathways
Bennett Park Skate Park Mixed Recreation
Location: King Street, St Marys
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Consultation and Design
Funding source: Penrith City Council
Install a mixed recreation space which includes:
- Skating
- Social areas
- Pathways
- Playground equipment
- Landscaping
- Shelter
Chapman Gardens Fitness Equipment
Location: Second Avenue, Kingswood
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government - Community Building Partnership program
Installation of outdoor fitness equipment
Emu Heights Dog Park
Location: Wedmore Road, Emu Heights
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Recreation
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Australian Government - Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and Penrith City Council
- new fenced off-leash areas for small and large dogs
- additional seating
- tree planting to create more shade
- dog-friendly water bubblers
- dog waste bag fixtures
- dog play equipment
Nepean River Masterplan
Location: Tench Avenue, Jamisontown
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning and consultation
Funding source: NSW Government - Parks for People
- $10 million upgrade funded by the NSW Government as part of its Parks for People program including new pathways, riverside seating and an amphitheatre.
St Clair Dog Park Upgrade
Location: St Clair Avenue, St Clair
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $112,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade fencing
- Install small and large dog areas
- Improved seating, landscaping and pathways
Trinity Drive Reserve Mixed Recreation Space
Location: Trinity Drive, Cambridge Gardens
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – Everyone Can Play Grant and NSW Government – Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program
Install a mixed recreation space which includes:
- Skate facilities
- Pump track
- Pathways
- Playground equipment
- Landscaping
- Shelter
Werrington Tennis and Futsal Courts Upgrade
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Australian Government - Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
Converting tennis court surfaces to multipurpose courts to accommodate:
- Tennis
- Soccer (futsal)
Bill Ball Oval Cricket Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Wilson Street, St Marys
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government - NSW ICC T20 World Cup 2020 Cricket Legacy Fund, Cricket NSW - Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund and the Penrith Cricket Club.
New amenities building constructed including:
- two modern change rooms
- change room for officials
- canteen with storage
- external storage
- first aid and administration areas
- an accessible toilet, and
- an additional public toilet to service the adjacent playspace
Chapman Gardens Irrigation - Cricket & Rugby League Training
Location: Second Avenue, Kingswood
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $220,000
Funding source: Federal Government – 2019 Community Development Grants Program
- New irrigation system
Chapman Gardens New Amenities Building
Location: Second Avenue, Kingswood
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Federal Government - 2019 Community Development Grants Program
Construction of a new amenities building:
- Canteen
- Changing rooms
- New amenities including accessible toilets
- Storage
Ched Towns Reserve - New Amenities Building
Location: Town Terrace, Glenmore Park
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – Greater Cities Sports Facility Fund, Glenmore Park Brumbies Junior Rugby League Football Club
Construct a new district-level amenities building including:
- four change rooms designed to be inclusive for female and male users
- change room for officials
- canteen with storage
- external storage
- first aid and administration areas, and
- accessible toilets
- landscaping improvements and tree planting
- additional public toilet installed at nearby playspace
Council will also complete additional landscaping and tree planting on site.
Cook & Banks Reserve Sportsfield Lighting Upgrade
Location: Cnr Cook Parade & Banks Drive, St Clair
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project Cost: $170,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government - Community Building Partnership Grant and St Clair Junior Rugby League Football Club
- Upgrade of sportsfield lighting
Cook and Banks Oval Cricket Practice Facility Upgrade
Location: Cook Parade and Banks Drive, St Clair
Year: 2022
Category: Sport
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government - Community Building Partnership Grant and Cricket NSW - Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund
- upgrade existing four-lane cricket practice facility
Cook Park Outdoor Fitness Equipment
Location: Cnr John Street and Pages Road, Cook Park, St Marys
Year: 2023
Category: Recreation
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: NSW Government – Community Building Partnership program, Penrith City Council
Variety of outdoor fitness equipment to be installed including:
- push up, pull up and chin up bars
- shoulder, butterfly and leg press
- tai chi wheels
- accessible hand cycle
- resistance hooks
- trapeze rings
- step up
- cycle seat
- leg lift and dip bar
- sandstone blocks for step ups, stretching and sitting
Cook Park Soccer Amenities Building and Grandstand Upgrade
Location: Wilson Street, St Marys
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Improve amenities building and grandstand
Doug Rennie Field Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Paskin Street, Kingswood
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, Federal Government – Department of Health and Aged Care and NSW Government - Greater Cities Sports Facility Fund
- New amenities building which includes two universal change rooms, a change room for officials, first aid/admin room, canteen area, storage, and accessible toilets.
- Landscaping upgrades and tree planting
Dukes Oval Cricket Practice Facility
Location: Park Street, Emu Plains
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $115,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government - Community Building Partnership Grant, Glenbrook Blaxland Cricket Club, NSW Cricket and Nepean District Cricket Association
- Increase existing cricket practice facility to 3 lanes and upgrade existing surfaces
Dukes Oval Floodlight Upgrade
Location: Park Street, Emu Plains
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Play
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $201,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government - Crown Reserves Improvement Fund
- Upgrade sportsfield lighting
Eileen Cammack Reserve Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Evan Street, South Penrith
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government Sporting Infrastructure Program
- Upgrade of amenities building
Gow Park floodlight upgrade
Location: Littlefields Road, Mulgoa
Year: 2021
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $150,000
Funding source: Federal Government - Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and Penrith City Council
- Upgrade sportsfield lighting
Harold Corr Oval Upgrade
Location: Herbert Street, Cambridge Park
Year: 2019-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council ($4.5 million), the NSW Government – Penrith Sporting Infrastructure Project ($2 million), and the Australian Government ($423,000)
- a 400-metre, 8 lane synthetic athletics track that is World Athletics certified as a Class 2 facility
- synthetic field facilities including long jump, triple jump, high jump, steeplechase, pole vault, hammer throw, discus, shot put and javelin
- 200 LUX competition floodlighting and 100 LUX training floodlighting
- equipment storage
- 65-space car park
Hickeys Lane Sportsground Upgrade
Location: Hickeys Lane, Penrith
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS & NSW Government Penrith Sporting Infrastructure Project
Status: Complete
Funding source: NSW Government 2019 Penrith Sports Election Commitments Program and Penrith City Council
- new amenities building
- floodlight, car park, irrigation and fencing improvements
Hunter Fields Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Nepean Street, Emu Plains
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $715,482
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Australian Government - Sport Australia Infrastructure Grant
Upgrade the existing amenities building:
- Building access improvements
- Accessible toilets
- Update existing toilets
- Two changing rooms
- Umpires change room
Jamison Park Netball Courts Resurfacing
Location: York Road, South Penrith
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $45,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Surface upgrades to various courts based on community feedback and asset management
Jamison Park Synthetic Fields
Location: York Road, South Penrith
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Sport
Project Type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project Cost: $4,200,000
Funding source: NSW Government Greater Sydney Sports Facility Fund, Penrith Council, Nepean Football Association, Australian Government – Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund
- Two standard football fields, which can accommodate eight small-sided fields
- One senior size cricket pitch
- One AFL oval
- LED 100 LUX floodlighting
- Pathway for ease of access
- Spectator seating
Leonay Oval Sportsfield Lighting Upgrade
Location: Leonay Parade, Leonay
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $350,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government Penrith Sporting Infrastructure Program
- Upgrade of sportsfield lighting
Leonay Oval Upper Amenities Upgrade
Location: Leonay Parade, Leonay
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Project cost: $500,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government Penrith Sporting Infrastructure Program
- Amenities building extension and upgrade including storage, a canteen and awning
Mark Leece Sporting Complex Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: St Clair Avenue, St Clair
Year: 2020-2021 and 2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $1,740,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and State Government - Greater Sydney Sport Facility Fund 2018
Construction of a new amenities building including:
- Canteen
- Gender neutral change rooms
- Referees room
- First aid room
- Toilet amenities
- Improved storage
- Verandah
Stage 2 upgrades:
- New wayfinding signage
- Viewing platforms around the fields
- Tree planting
- Picnic tables with shelter
Monfarville Reserve Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Monfarville Street, St Marys
Year: 2024-2025
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Construction commencing January 2025
Funding source: NSW Government and Penrith City Council
- Upgrade of amenities building
- Landscaping and pathway enhancements
- New two lane cricket practice facility
Monfarville Reserve floodlight upgrade
Location: Monfarville Street, St Marys
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $210,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Upgrade of Diamond 1 baseball oval lighting
Mulgoa Rise Amenities Building (Stage 2)
Location: Bradley Street, Mulgoa Rise
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Construction
Funding source: NSW Government - Greater Sydney Sport Facility Fund 2018
- Install two additional gender equitable player changing rooms, player amenities and two unisex toilets
- Increased tree planting and landscaping
Myrtle Road Reserve floodlight upgrade
Location: Myrtle Road, Claremont Meadows
Year: 2021
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $115,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, Australian Government and the NSW Government
- Upgrade sportsfield lighting
Parker Street Reserve
Location: King Street, Penrith
Year: 2021-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: NSW Government 2019 Penrith Sports Election Commitments Program and Penrith City Council
- new amenities building to the upper fields, featuring accessible toilets including an adult change facility
- floodlighting upgrades to all fields
- irrigation, fencing and playing surface upgrades to the southern fields for rugby league use
Parkes Avenue Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Parkes Avenue, Werrington
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $385,891
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Australian Government – Sport Australia Infrastructure Grant – and NSW Government – Community Building Partnership Grant
Upgrade the existing amenities building to provide:
- Improved accessibility to the building
- Updated toilets and changing rooms
Patterson Oval Cricket Practice Facility Upgrade
- relocate and upgrade existing two-lane cricket practice facility
Potter Fields Cricket Practice Facility
Potter Fields Cricket Practice Facility
Location: Shepherd Street, Colyton
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $115,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – NSW ICC Grant, NSW Cricket and Nepean District Cricket Association
- Increase existing cricket practice facility to three lanes and upgrade existing surfaces
Rance Oval Amenities Building Extension
Location: Albert Street, Werrington
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $432,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – NSW ICC Grant, NSW Cricket and Penrith Cricket Club
- Stage 2 of new amenities building
Rance Oval New Irrigation System
Location: Albert Street, Werrington
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $105,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government – NSW ICC Grant – NSW Cricket and Penrith Cricket Club
- Installation of new irrigation system
Ridge Park New Irrigation System
Location: Adelaide Street, Oxley Park
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $115,000
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government - Community Building Partnership
- Installation of new irrigation system
Roper Road Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Roper Road, Colyton
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $480,735
Funding source: Penrith City Council, Australian Government – Sport Australia Infrastructure Grant, and NSW Government – Community Building Partnership Grant
Upgrade the existing amenities building to provide:
- Improved accessibility to the building
- New accessible toilets
- Updated toilets and changing rooms
- Improved storage
Samuel Marsden Reserve Amenities Building Upgrade & Training Facilities
Location: Samuel Marsden Road, Orchard Hills
Year: 2021-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Planning
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- Install new storage amenities
- Upgrade the car park and training infrastructure
St Clair Leisure Centre
Location: Botany Lane, St Clair
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Project cost: $2.3 million
Funding source: Penrith City Council
Leisure Centre refurbishment to bring the Centre up to contemporary standards, including:
- Upgrades to façade, foyer, kiosk and flooring
- Installation of a lift for improved accessibility
- Air conditioning
- Wayfinding signage
St Marys Tennis Courts Upgrade
Location: Creek Road, St Marys
Year: 2019-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Funding source: Australian Government – Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Fund, Penrith City Council
Resurfaced tennis courts 1-4 to improve playing conditions.
Surveyors Creek Softball Facility Upgrade
Location: Ballybunnion Terrace, Glenmore Park
Year: 2022-2023
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Office of Sport, and NSW Government – Community Building Partnership Grant
- floodlight upgrades, illuminating two additional diamonds to Australian competition standards
- an accessible pathway connecting all external diamonds, the car park, and amenities buildings
- new spectator seating adjacent to diamond one
- the reconstruction of the infield playing surface of diamond one using a specialist sand
- upgraded player dugouts on diamond one and two.
The Kingsway North Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: The Kingsway, Werrington
Year: 2023-2024
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council and NSW Government
- New amenities building, featuring:
- MLAK-fitted adult change facility
- MLAK-fitted accessible toilet facility
- bathroom facilities with showers
- officials' change rooms
- designated first aid area
- increased storage space
- improved administration and canteen functionality
- accessible paths, landscaping and tree planting.
The Kingsway North Playing Fields Upgrades
Location: The Kingsway, Werrington
Year: 2021-2024
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Complete
Funding source: Penrith City Council, NSW Government Greater Cities Sports Facility Fund and Australian Government Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Fund (Phase 2)
- a new irrigation system
- major playing surface upgrades to 17 fields over a two-year period.
The Kingsway South Upgrades
Location: The Kingsway South, Werrington
Year: 2020-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $75,000
Funding source: Australian Government Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Fund (Phase 1)
• new LED floodlighting to two rugby league mini fields
The Kingsway Sportsfield Lighting & Access Pathways
Location: The Kingsway, Werrington
Year: 2019-2020
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Tender and construction
Funding source: Penrith City Council and Federal Government - Sport Australia Infrastructure Grant
- Upgrade of sportsfield lighting to meet contemporary standards
- Installation of access pathways
The Kingsway West Upgrades
Location: The Kingsway, Werrington
Year: 2020-2021
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Completed
Project cost: $3.3 million
Funding source: Penrith City Council
- six sporting fields & irrigation
- one cricket pitch
- amenities building
- car park upgrades
- new LED floodlighting
Woodriff Gardens Tennis Complex Amenities Building Upgrade
Location: Castlereagh Road, Penrith
Year: 2020-2022
Category: Sport
Project type: Penrith SRS
Status: Construction
Funding source: Australian Government – Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, NSW Government – Penrith Sporting Infrastructure Program, and Penrith City Council
Upgrade of existing two-storey amenities building including:
redesign of floorplan to improve functionality
Lower level upgrade including four new rooms to be used for first aid, office and administration space, two modern change rooms for users, an adult change room, improved canteen facilities and additional storage
Upper level upgrade including new kitchenette and accessible toilets
air-conditioning, and
accessibility improvements including installation of a lift.