Emergency Ready
- Details
- Written by: Jeremy Bentvelzen Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 council@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au https://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

The Penrith community has faced and may continue to face natural disasters including, storms, flood and bushfire. These disasters impact on our every-day lives and create additional stresses on our finances, health and wellbeing.
To build your own resilience and that of your household and community it is important for you to know your risk and to be prepared for disasters and other emergencies.
Know Your Risk
Floods and bushfires can occur within the Penrith area, with some suburbs more at risk. Historically, suburbs in Penrith who are more likely to experience these natural disasters are located near a waterway, on a floodplain, or close to bushland.
Use the SES’ interactive map to find out your flood risk.
Use the NSW Rural Fire Services’ map to find out if you are in a bushfire prone area.
Keep Informed
Penrith’s Disaster Dashboard provides real-time information from emergency services during a natural disaster. The dashboard shows up-to-date information such as road closures in the area and health information.
Get Prepared
A disaster or an emergency can happen at any time. Are you prepared for a disaster? Would you know what to do? Find out how prepared you are by taking the quiz at Red Cross' webpage.
The Red Cross has also created various resources — they have Easy English and Auslan guides, information in community languages, and resources dedicated to helping older people, people with chronic illness, people with physical disability, and parents with young children.
Ensuring that you are prepared in the event of an emergency means making an emergency plan for you, your household and your pets so that you know exactly what you will do, where you will go and when. The Red Cross has prepared some easy-to-use resources that you can print off and download.
Create your emergency plan now by downloading the Red Cross Redi Plan.
The Get Ready NSW website provides information and resources to help you to better prepare for natural disasters and emergencies including bushfire, storms and floods.
Download the free Get Prepared app to prepare for an emergency
Penrith City Council encourages you to prepare and stay safe in a disaster or a time of crisis by downloading the Get Prepared App and completing an emergency plan.
With disasters becoming more frequent, getting prepared has never been more important. Whether it’s fires, floods, heatwave or family crises, the Get Prepared app is a simple and effective tool to plan what to do, where to go and who to tell.
The Australian Red Cross the Get Prepared app helps you connect with your key support people, accomplish simple tasks to make you and your loved ones safer, and protect the things that matter most to you in the event of an emergency.
The app is a free and easy-to-use, one-stop tool to help you prepare for any type of emergency. You can:
- establish a quick and easy network of support with three key contacts
- review risks relevant to where you live
- create checklists of actions to make an emergency plan
- save the emergency plan as a PDF to be printed and shared with others.
As a participating Council in the Resilient Sydney program, we are collaborating with a number of councils across Sydney to create a connected, inclusive, and resilient region.
Preparing Communities Program
Council has received grant funding from the Australian Government under the Preparing Australian Communities Program to assist our community in better understanding the risk of disasters and providing information and resources to help Penrith households and businesses to plan and prepare for disasters.
Through this project. Council will provide information and resources, host information sessions and workshops on preparedness and building resilience and will run neighbourhood pop up events in higher risk areas within the Penrith area.
Go Bag Checklist
When an emergency happens you may need to leave your home quickly. Having a bag of essential items packed and ready to go for yourself, your family and your pets is a must. Your go bag should be stored in an easily accessible place. We've prepared a checklist of what to pack in your go bag for you to download and print off.