Public Notices

Public Notices

Disclosure of political donations or gifts

Development Applications are displayed at the Penrith Civic Centre. By law, reportable political donations or gifts must be disclosed by anyone lodging a planning application to Council.

Register of Political Donations & Gifts in Relation to Planning Applications

Application No.Donation / GiftDonor / ABN (if an entity)Donor / Entity AddressRecipientDate MadeAmount / Value

Last updated 6 June 2019.

You can search and view political donations and electoral expenditure disclosed by political parties, elected members of Parliament and local Councils, candidates, third-party campaigners and political donors at State and Local Government elections on the NSW Electoral Commission website - see Declaration of disclosures of political donations register.

Viewing Development Applications

Council is required to make Development Applications (DAs) and certain associated documents publicly available under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Pursuant to Section 101 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, the below lists applications recently determined by Penrith City Council. Details of these determinations are available for public inspection free of charge during Council’s normal business hours (between 8.30am and 4pm Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays) at the Civic Centre, 601 High Street, Penrith. Staff from Council’s Development Services team will be able to assist with any enquiries.

Public Exhibition of Financial Statements

2022-23 Financial Statements

Public Notice of Financial Statements

Notice of amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014- Chapter E17 Orchard Hills North, and Chapter E7 Part B Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Chapter E7 Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3

At its Ordinary Meeting of 24 June 2024 Council considered proposed amendments to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) and resolved to adopt the proposed amendments to the DCP.

The DCP amendments focused on several formatting errors, omissions and minor inconsistencies that have been identified and amendments to Chapter E17 Orchard Hills North and Chapter E7 Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3 were required. Due to minor changes the boundary between Glenmore Park Stage 2 and Glenmore Park Stage 3, Chapter E7 Part B Glenmore Park Stage 2 also needed to be amended. The purpose of these changes is to enable the preparation of accurate and contemporary planning controls which will guide future development for these areas. The DCP will come into force on Monday 8 July 2024.

A copy of the amended DCP chapters can be found in the Planning Controls section of Council’s website.

For further enquiries please contact Owen Lay, Planner on 4732 7612 or

Public Notice_June 2024 - Final_OHN, GP2, GP3 DCP Amendment

Pursuant to Clause 7 of the Roads Regulation 2018, notice is hereby given that an application has been received for the naming of the following road.

 Name  Locality  Description
 Cochrane Street  ST MARYS Portion of road within Penrith LGA. Road starts at Links Road and travels in a north-western direction for 290m where it connects with the Blacktown LGA portion of the road.

 A map is provided here, a written submission regarding the proposed name may be made by 19 August 2024. 

For further information please contact Carly McIllhatton on 02 4732 7585 or email

Pursuant to Clause 7 of the Roads Regulation 2018, notice is hereby given of the naming of the following roads.

 Name Locality Description
Giba Drive  KEMPS CREEK  New road, located within The Yards Industrial Estate. The road intersects with Wubin Lane and heads south for about 420m where it turns to the east for about 300m, then turns to the south and continues for around 200m
Buda Way KEMPS CREEK New road, located within The Yards Industrial Estate. The road starts at Giba Drive and heads west for about 540m.
Gudyung Close KEMPS CREEK New road, located within The Yards Industrial Estate. Cul-de-sac starting at Giba Drive and heading north for about 105m.
Ngurra Way
(pronounced nu-rah)
KEMPS CREEK New road within The Yards Industrial Estate that starts at the intersection of Wubin Lane and Giba Drive and heads north for about 200m where it turns and heads east for about 155m, the road then turns south for about 190m where it connects with Wubin Lane.
Dingu Place KEMPS CREEK New road, located within The Yards Industrial Estate. The road is a cul-de-sac starting at Buda Way and heads north for about 150m before turning slightly and heading north-east for about 150m where it terminates.
Wubin Lane KEMPS CREEK Renaming the portion of Bakers Lane that is located west of Mamre Road. Road starts at Mamre Road and heads west for about 460m where it meets Giba Drive and terminates.

For further information please contact Carly McIllhatton on 02 4732 7585 or email

Public Notification of Draft Deed of Novation for an existing Voluntary Planning Agreement for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith

Penrith City Council is publicly notifying a draft Deed of Novation for an existing Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for 61-79 Henry Street, Penrith also known as Lot 1 DP 771927 (the Land) between Thursday 27 June 2024 to Thursday 25 July 2024.

Council, at its Ordinary Meeting of 24 June 2024, endorsed the draft Deed of Novation for public notification.

The existing VPA was entered between Council and the Australian Foundation for Disability (AFFORD) on 23 October 2023 in support of a Planning Proposal relating to the Land. The VPA sets out several mechanisms for the timing and delivery of infrastructure on the land and surrounding area. Since the VPA was entered, AFFORD and Harrington Penrith Pty Ltd have exchanged contracts for the sale of the Land. Accordingly, AFFORD sought Council’s consent to sell and transfer the land, and novate its rights and obligations under the VPA to Harrington Penrith Pty Ltd in line with requirements under clause 13.2 of the VPA.

The draft Deed of Novation and explanatory note can be viewed online at

Please contact Natalie White, Planner on (02) 4732 7833 or email for enquiries. 

Corporate News Page Public Notices 25.07.2024

Corporate News Page Public Notices 18.07.2024

Corporate News Page Public Notices 11.07.2024 

Corporate News Page Public Notices 07.07.2024

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.03.2024

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 29.02.2024

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 15.02.2024

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.02.2024

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 10.02.2024

Development applications 

  • Celestino Developments SSP Pty Ltd DA24/0009, 581 Luddenham Road, Luddenham

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 08.02.2024

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 25.01.2024

Development applications 

  • The Trustee for the Thornton North Penrith Unit Trust Rev23/0008 Lots 3003, 3004 & 3005 DP 1184498, 41 & 184–192 Lord Sheffield Circuit, Penrith
  • The Trustee for the Thornton Rev23/0007 North Penrith Unit Trust Lot 3003 DP 1184498, 184 Lord Sheffield Circuit, Penrith
  • The Trustee for AonAri Property Rev24/0001 Trust 10 2115–2131 Castlereagh Road, Penrith

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 18.01.2024

Development applications 

  • Janssen Group Pty Ltd DA23/1104 36 First Street, Kingswood
  • The Trustee for GPV23 Trust DA23/1109 90–98 Glenmore Ridge Drive, Glenmore Park
  • The Trustee for CHP Family DA23/1062 13 Barber Avenue, Kingswood
  • Principal Healthcare Finance Pty Ltd Mod23/0292 94–100 Explorers Way, St Clair

Public Notice - Notice of proposal to name and re-name roads in Emu Plains – River Road, York Street and Rowers View

Penrith City Council is giving notice of some changes to some roads in Emu Plains under the Roads Act 1993, Roads Regulation 2018 and the NSW Geographical Names Board Address Policy and User Manual (May 2021). Written submissions in relation to these proposals can be made up until close of Business on Monday 29 January 2024.

What changes are taking place?

Changes to start point of River Road & York Street – Due to improvement works to the parks and reserves along the riverfront on River Road and the realignment of some roads, River Road and York Street in Emu Plains will have a changed starting point near their intersection with the Great Western Highway. Council is required to formally name these new sections as part of the existing streets.

The proposed changes will not impact any street numbers or addresses for existing occupiers on York Street and only two occupiers along River Road will see changes to their street address due to a small section of the former section of River Road to be renamed (see “Changes to small former section of River Road” below for details). All other occupiers along River Road will not have any changes to their street numbers or addresses.

Changes to small former section of River Road to be renamed Rowers View – with the start of River Road now commencing further along The Great Western Highway, the short former starting section of River Road is proposed to be renamed to form part of the newly formed road Rowers View. This former section will now be accessed from a roundabout on the new section of River Road at the intersection of the new start point for York Street.

Properties to receive new street addresses as part of this proposal to rename part of River Road to Rowers View:

(1) The residence at 10 River Road, being Lot C in DP 33205 will receive a new address to Rowers View. The actual street number to Rowers View is yet to be determined as the street is still under development.
(2) The café in the historic Police Cottage at 4 Punt Road, also with an alternate access from 4 River Road, being Lot 7038 DP 94188 will receive a new address to Rowers View. The actual street number to Rowers View is yet to be determined as the street is still under development.

A map is enclosed to show the situation of the streets and properties surrounding the proposed changes.

How can I comment on this proposal?

Written submissions in relation to these proposals can be made up until close of Business on Friday 26 January 2024. Submissions can be made in writing by:



Penrith City Council
Attention: Matthew Saunders – Rates Coordinator
PO Box 60

For further information please contact Council’s Rates Coordinator Matthew Saunders by email or by phone on 02 4732 7756.

Following feedback Council intends to publish confirmation of these changes in the NSW Government Gazette.

Corporate News Page Archive

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.12.2023 (pdf 387.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 30.11.2023 (pdf 227.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 23.11.2023 (pdf 288.3KB)

Development Application

  • Artmade Architects DA23/0976 135 Carpenter Street, Colyton

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 16.11.2023 (pdf 175.9KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 09.11.2023 (pdf 306.2KB)

Development Application

  • Janssen Group Pty Ltd DA23/0946

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 02.11.2023 (pdf 210.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 26.10.2023 (pdf 241.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 19.10.2023 (pdf 191.5KB)

 Corporate News Page and Public Notices 12.10.2023 (pdf 194.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 05.10.2023 (pdf 135.4KB)

Development Applications

  • Balance Planning DA23/0510
  • PG Binet Pty Ltd Mod23/0173 DA21/0927
  • Mark Zeina DA23/0746
  • Archline Design DA23/0313
  • Local Approvals DA22/1156
  • Developable Pty Ltd DA23/0324
  • Sydney Drafting Concepts & Design Pty Ltd DA23/0529
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0673
  • Salar Ahvazi Mod23/0177 DA23/0063
  • Rita Maria Papalia Mod23/0187 DA23/0291

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 28.09.2023 (pdf 511.1KB)

Development Applications

  • Archizen Architects DA23/0802, 3 Blackwell Avenue, St Clair

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 21.09.2023 (pdf 184.4KB)

  • Sydney Pools & Spas Pty Ltd DA23/0676 Lot 1 DP 568235, 31 Gibbes Street, Regentville
  • Narellan Truck Wash Services Pty Ltd DA22/1058 Lot 28 DP 793861, 104 Russell Street, Emu Plains
  • Debbie Setu DA23/0662 Lot 2017 PP 1274690, 75 Peartree Circuit, Werrington
  • Debbie Setu DA23/0662 Lot 2017 PP 1274690, 75 Peartree Circuit, Werrington
  • Developable Pty Ltd DA22/1170 Lot 23 DP 709552, 55–57 Kenmare Road, Londonderry
  • Peta Healy DA23/0706 Lot 3082 DP 701131, 59 Horseshoe Circuit, St Clair
  • Abraham Nemra DA23/0593 Lot 534 DP 1230584, 2 Rochester Terrace, Caddens
  • Sang Ly DA23/0698 Lot 1 DP 1227521, 21 Carcoola Way, Jordan Springs
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0670 Lot 3007 PP 1274694, 28 Corymbia Road, Werrington
  • Interaction Disability Services Ltd DA23/0014 Lot 1011 DP 1066931, 52 Craig Avenue, Oxley Park
  • Fernleigh Drafting DA23/0557 Lot 1 DP 601083, 73 Rugby Street, Werrington County
  • Philip Krimmer DA23/0523 Lot 12 DP 236855, 18 Cliffbrook Crescent, Leonay
  • The Trustee For Stimson & Baker Unit Trust DA23/0043 Lot 2 DP 787827, 2115–2131 Castlereagh Road, Penrith
  • Stimson Urban & Regional Planning DA23/0112 Lot 2 DP 787827, 2115–2131 Castlereagh Road, Penrith

Notice of amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 – Orchard Hills North coming into effect

At its Ordinary Meeting of 12 December 2022, Council considered a proposed amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) for Orchard Hills North and resolved to adopt the draft DCP.

The associated Local Environmental Plan amendment for Orchard Hills North has been gazetted, enabling the draft DCP amendment to come into effect. Accordingly, this public notice is to notify of the DCP for Orchard Hills North coming into effect. The DCP will commence on 1 October 2023.

The DCP amendment provides site-specific planning controls to facilitate the development of Orchard Hills North. The changes relate to Part E17 of DCP 2014.

A copy of the DCP 2014 may be found in the Planning Controls section of Council’s website.

For further enquiries please contact Joel Carson, Senior Planner on 02 4732 8098.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 14.09.2023 (pdf 276.4KB)

Development Applications

  • Outdoor Living Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd DA23/0677 Lot 111 DP 701988, 12 Eucumbene Place, St Clair
  • Harmony Creative Pty Ltd DA23/0280 Lot 3 DP 201516, 990–1002 Castlereagh Road, Castlereagh
  • Ghullam Sakhi Yawari DA23/0584 Lot 30 DP 26684, 227 Desborough Road, St Marys
  • Jakaan Architects DA23/0666 Lot A DP 160986, 12 York Street, Emu Plains
  • Garry Smith DA23/0649 Lot 3 DP 615741, 19 Grey Street, Emu Plains
  • Debbie Setu DA23/0661 Lot 2233 PP 1274692, 18 Tramway Avenue, Werrington Single 
  • Joleen Clarke DA23/0651 Lot 187 DP 16501, 55 Riverside Road, Emu Heights 
  • Mark Clifton DA23/0583 Lot 118 DP 1238043, 138 Forestwood Drive

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.09.2023 (pdf 683.2KB)

Development Applications

  • Penrith City Council DA23/0506 - 158–164 Old Bathurst Road, Emu Plains Land 
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0643 - 5 Paling Street, Werrington
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0642 - 77 Peartree Circuit, Werrington 
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0629 - 3 Paling Street, Werrington
  • Eden Brae Holdings Pty Ltd DA23/0640 - 107 Peartree Circuit, Werrington 
  • Esr Investment Management 2 (Australia) Pty Ltd Mod23/0185 - 1–39 Abbotts Road, Kemps Creek
  • Sharon Jones DA23/0590 - 37 Walkers Crescent, Emu Plains 

Public Notice - Notice of Amendment No. 11 to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 – Glenmore Park Stage 3 coming into effect.

At the Ordinary Meeting of 28 August 2023, Council considered a proposed amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) for Glenmore Park Stage 3 and resolved to adopt the draft DCP amendment.

In accordance with Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2014 Clause 14, this public notice provides notification: 

  • of Council’s decision to approve the draft amendment to the DCP 2014 for Glenmore Park Stage 3.
  • that the amendment to the DCP comes into effect on 7 September 2023

The DCP amendment provides site-specific planning controls to facilitate the development of Glenmore Park Stage 3. The changes relate to Part E Key Precincts - E7 Glenmore Park - Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3 of DCP 2014.

A copy of the DCP 2014 may be found in the Planning Controls section of Council’s website. For further enquiries please contact Danielle Fox, Senior Planner on 02 4732 8022.

Public Notice - Notice of amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 – Glenmore Park Stage 3 coming into effect

At the Ordinary Meeting of 12 December 2022, Council considered a proposed amendment to Penrith Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) for Glenmore Park Stage 3 and resolved to adopt the draft DCP.

The associated Local Environmental Plan amendment for Glenmore Park Stage 3 was published on the NSW Legislation website on 30 June 2023 and is now in effect. Accordingly, this public notice is a notification that the DCP for Glenmore Park Stage 3 (endorsed at the Ordinary Meeting of 12 December 2022) came into effect on 30 June 2023.

The DCP amendment provides site-specific planning controls to facilitate the development of Glenmore Park Stage 3. The changes relate to Part E Key Precincts E7 Glenmore Park Part C Glenmore Park Stage 3 of DCP 2014.

A copy of the DCP 2014 may be found in the Planning Controls section of Council’s website.
For further enquiries please contact Danielle Fox, Senior Planner on 02 4732 8022.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 31.08.2023  (pdf 182.9KB)

Development Applications

  • Baini Design DA23/0697 196–198 Bennett Road, St Clair
  • NF Billyard Pty Ltd DA23/068727 & 29 Adelaide Street, Oxley Park

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 24.08.2023 (pdf 473.8KB)

Development Applications

  • Barwon Investment Partners Pty Ltd Mod23/0180 34–36 Somerset Street & 2 Hargrave Street, Kingswood

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 17.08.2023 (pdf 316.6KB)

Development Applications

  • Design Corp – Architects DA23/0659 60 & 62 Sydney Street, St Marys

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 10.08.2023 (pdf 391.5KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 03.08.2023 (pdf 360.6KB)

Development Applications

  • Nor’Side Investments Pty Ltd DA23/0621 600–612 High Street, Penrith

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 27.07.2023 (pdf 424.3KB)

Development Applications

  • Stimson Urban & Regional Planning DA23/0559 21 Woodriff Street, Penrith

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 20.07.2023 (pdf 302.2KB)

Development Applications

  • Jiang Zhang DA23/0537 11 John Batman Avenue, Werrington County

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 13.07.2023 (pdf 458.1KB)

Development Applications

  • Baini Design Pty Ltd DA23/0528 65 Caloola Avenue, Penrith

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 06.07.2023 (pdf 370.0KB)

Development Applications

  • Sumir Diwan DA23/0506 158–164 Old Bathurst Road, Emu Plains

Public Notice - Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre (PVRSC) Repair Works

In accordance with Section 356(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, a 28 day public notice period is occurring from Monday 5 June 2023 to Sunday 2 July 2023 for Council’s proposal to pass a resolution to grant financial assistance to Penrith Valley Regional Sports Centre (PVRSC) for the reasons outlined in the report tabled at the Council meeting held on 29 May 2023 (Item 19) - 230529 Ordinary Meeting Business Paper (pdf 102.5KB)

Feedback is invited on the proposal by making a written submission to Council by close of business Sunday 2 July 2023.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 29.06.2023 (pdf 1.2MB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 22.06.2023 (pdf 303.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 15.06.2023 (pdf 88.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 08.06.2023 (pdf 364.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 01.06.2023 (pdf 325.5KB)

Development Applications

  • Balance Planning DA23/0390 22–26 Wittama Drive, Glenmore Park

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 25.05.2023 (pdf 422.4KB)

Development Applications

  • Sumir Diwan DA23/0362 22 Parklawn Place, North St Marys

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 18.05.2023 (pdf 296.4KB)

Development Applications

  • Ultra Design & Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd DA23/0312 247 Richmond Road, Penrith

Public Notice - Notice of proposal to name and re-name roads in Emu Plains – River Road, York Street and Rowers View

Penrith City Council is giving notice of some changes to some roads in Emu Plains under the Roads Act 1993, Roads Regulation 2018 and the NSW Geographical Names Board Address Policy and User Manual (May 2021). Written submissions in relation to these proposals can be made up until close of Business on Monday 29 January 2024.

What changes are taking place?

Changes to start point of River Road & York Street – Due to improvement works to the parks and reserves along the riverfront on River Road and the realignment of some roads, River Road and York Street in Emu Plains will have a changed starting point near their intersection with the Great Western Highway. Council is required to formally name these new sections as part of the existing streets.

The proposed changes will not impact any street numbers or addresses for existing occupiers on York Street and only two occupiers along River Road will see changes to their street address due to a small section of the former section of River Road to be renamed (see “Changes to small former section of River Road” below for details). All other occupiers along River Road will not have any changes to their street numbers or addresses.

Changes to small former section of River Road to be renamed Rowers View – with the start of River Road now commencing further along The Great Western Highway, the short former starting section of River Road is proposed to be renamed to form part of the newly formed road Rowers View. This former section will now be accessed from a roundabout on the new section of River Road at the intersection of the new start point for York Street.

Properties to receive new street addresses as part of this proposal to rename part of River Road to Rowers View:

(1) The residence at 10 River Road, being Lot C in DP 33205 will receive a new address to Rowers View. The actual street number to Rowers View is yet to be determined as the street is still under development.
(2) The café in the historic Police Cottage at 4 Punt Road, also with an alternate access from 4 River Road, being Lot 7038 DP 94188 will receive a new address to Rowers View. The actual street number to Rowers View is yet to be determined as the street is still under development.

map (pdf 536.7KB) is enclosed to show the situation of the streets and properties surrounding the proposed changes.

How can I comment on this proposal?

Written submissions in relation to these proposals can be made up until close of Business on Friday 26 January 2024. Submissions can be made in writing by:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Penrith City Council
Attention: Matthew Saunders – Rates Coordinator
PO Box 60

For further information please contact Council’s Rates Coordinator Matthew Saunders by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone on 02 4732 7756.

Following feedback Council intends to publish confirmation of these changes in the NSW Government Gazette.

Public Notice – Public Exhibition of the Draft Affordable Rental Housing Contribution Implementation Policy.

Penrith City Council is publicly notifying a Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) between Council and Lendlease Communities (Werrington) Pty Ltd. The Draft VPA has been prepared in connection with the proposed development of 16 Chapman Street Werrington, also known as ‘Kings Central.

A copy of the draft VPA and explanatory note can be viewed online at 


For further enquiries please contact Natalie Stanowski- Principal Planner on 4732 7403 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Public Notice - Public Exhibition of draft amendment to the endorsed Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapter of the Penrith Development Control Plan 2014

Council invites you to view and provide feedback on a draft amendment to the endorsed Glenmore Park Stage 3 chapter of the Penrith Development Control Plan 2014.

The Glenmore Park Stage 3 site is located south of the existing suburb of Glenmore Park, bounded by The Northern Road, Chain-O-Ponds Road and Mulgoa Nature Reserve.

At its Ordinary Meeting of 12 December 2022, Council resolved to:

  • rezone the site to facilitate urban development, and
  • endorse a draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for the site.

The endorsed DCP has been further updated to, include revised road profiles, minor amendment to the access and movement controls, align with revised technical studies, and minor housekeeping amendments to update figures and numbering.

At its Ordinary Meeting of 1 May 2023, Council resolved to publicly exhibit the draft.

The draft amendment is on public exhibition from Friday 19 May 2023 to Friday 16 June 2023 and can be viewed online at  

You are invited to provide feedback by making a written submission to Council by 5pm on Friday 16 June 2023 by: 

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Post: The General Manager (Attention City Planning),

Penrith City Council,

PO Box 60,


Please include a subject line indicating ‘Draft amendment – Glenmore Park Stage 3 DCP’ in emails and letters.  

For further enquiries please contact Clare Tregenza, Planner on 4732 7548.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 11.05.2023 (pdf 285.4KB)

Development Applications

  • Ultra Design & Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd DA23/0312 247 Richmond Road, Penrith

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 04.05.2023 (pdf 321.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 27.04.2023 (pdf 244.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 20.04.2023 (pdf 304.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 13.04.2023 (pdf 373.9KB)

PUBLIC NOTICE - 154 of the Roads Act 1993 - Proposed Lease on Unused Road

Under Section 154 of the Roads Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Penrith City Council intends to grant a road lease located at the corner of Henry Street and Kendall Street, Penrith as detailed below.

Applicant: Red Rooster Foods Pty Ltd
Proposed Use: Landscaping
Description of Land: Section of road at Corner of Henry Street and Kendall Street, Penrith.
Term: Five (5) years

rr proposed lease

Subject area is outlined in red above. All affected parties are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal. Submissions must be received in writing addressed to the General Manager, Penrith City Council to PO Box 60 Penrith NSW 2751 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., within twenty eight days (28) of the date of this notice, being 24th May 2023.
For all enquiries, please contact Nina Mikho, on (02) 4732 7492 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 06.04.2023 (pdf 362.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 30.03.2023 (pdf 333.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 23.03.2023 (pdf 590.9KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 16.03.2023 (pdf 262.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 09.03.2023 (pdf 223.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 02.03.2023 (pdf 389.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 23.02.2023 (pdf 227.5KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 16.02.2023 (pdf 221.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 09.02.2023 (pdf 146.9KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 02.02.2023 (pdf 310.6KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices 22.12.2022 (pdf 307.3KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices 01.12.2022 (pdf 533.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 24.11.2022 (pdf 289.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 17.11.2022 (pdf 559.9KB)

Penrith City Council Financial Statements 21-22

Public Notice – Presentation of Financial Statements

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 10.11.2022 (pdf 470.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 03.11.2022 (pdf 292.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 27.10.2022 (pdf 359.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 20.10.2022 (pdf 304.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 13.10.2022 (pdf 359.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 06.10.2022 (pdf 330.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 29.09.2022 (pdf 301.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 22.09.2022 (pdf 295.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 15.09.2022 (pdf 645.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 08.09.2022 (pdf 364.3KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices 11.08.202 (pdf 738.8KB)

 Corporate News Page and Public Notices 04.08.2022 (pdf 796.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 28.07.2022 (pdf 621.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.07.2022 (pdf 1.0MB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 30.06.2022 (pdf 187.0KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 24.06.2022 (pdf 915.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 17.06.2022 (pdf 400.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 10.06.2022 (pdf 409.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 03.06.2022 (pdf 375.0KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 26.05.2022 (pdf 798.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 19.05.2022 (pdf 419.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 12.05.2022 (pdf 407.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 05.05.2022 (pdf 366.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 28.04.2022 (pdf 175.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 21.04.2022 (pdf 431.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 14.04.2022  (pdf 461.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 07.04.2022

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 31.03.2022 

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 24.03.2022

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 17.03.2022

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 10.03.2022 

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 03.03.2022   

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 24.02.2022 (pdf 1.1MB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 17.02.2022 (pdf 315.5KB)

 Corporate News Page and Public Notices 20.01.2022 (pdf 573.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 23.12.2021 (pdf 255.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 16.12.2021 (pdf 375.0KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 09.12.2021 (pdf 363.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 02.12.2021 (pdf 292.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 25.11.2021 (pdf 349.4KB)

NSW Ombudsman report The new machinery of government: Using machine technologies in administrative decision-making 29 November 2021 (pdf 4.4MB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 18.11.2021 (pdf 260.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices 11.11.2021 (pdf 348.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 04.11.2021 (pdf 342.0KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 28.10.2021 (pdf 424.1KB)

Public notice – Presentation of financial statements as per Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act.

Penrith City Council Financial Statements 20-21 (pdf 3.3MB)

Public Notice - Presentation of Financial Statements 20-21 (pdf 116.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 21.10.2021 (pdf 270.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 14.10.2021 (pdf 253.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 07.10.2021 (pdf 292.9KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 30.09.2021 (pdf 361.7KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 05.08.2021 (pdf 415.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 29.07.2021 (pdf 590.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 22.07.2021 (pdf 722.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 15.07.2021 (pdf 429.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 08.07.2021 (pdf 383.5KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 01.07.2021 (pdf 546.7KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 27.05.2021 (pdf 603.0KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 06.05.2021 (pdf 384.2KB)

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Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 01.04.2021 (pdf 379.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 25.03.2021 (pdf 451.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 18.03.2021 (pdf 515.8KB)

Compulsory Acquisition of Land  Compulsory Acquisition of Land  
Local Government Act 1993 
Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 
By Notice published in the Government Gazette No. 72 dated 26 February 2021 Reference (n2021-0349) Penrith City Council compulsorily acquired Lots 1 – 4 in Deposited Plan 342116 for the Regatta Park Project.

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 11.03.2021 (pdf 495.0KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 04.03.2021 (pdf 395.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 25.02.2021 (pdf 437.9KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 18.02.2021 (pdf 376.4KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices page 11.02.2021 (pdf 330.9KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices page 04.02.2021 (pdf 372.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 21.01.2021 (pdf 344.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 14.01.2021 (pdf 322.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 17.12.2020 (pdf 394.4KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 10.12.2020 (pdf 421.7KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 03.12.2020 (pdf 452.5KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 26.11.2020 (pdf 352.3KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 19.11.2020 (pdf 617.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 11.11.2020 (pdf 597.8KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 05.11.2020 (pdf 443.1KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 29.10.2020 (pdf 562.2KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 22.10.2020 (pdf 771.6KB)

Corporate News Page and Public Notices page 15.10.2020 (pdf 350.8KB)

Penrith City Council - Financial Statements 2019-2020 (pdf 3.5MB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 08.10.2020 (pdf 397.6KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 01.10.2020 (pdf 411.2KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 24.09.2020 (pdf 527.2KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 17.09.2020 (pdf 651.0KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 10.09.2020 (pdf 362.6KB)

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Corporate News and Public Notices Page 18.06.2020 (pdf 430.9KB)

Corporate News and Public Notices Page 11.06.2020 (pdf 208.6KB)

Public Meeting - Penrith Local Planning Panel

The Penrith Local Planning Panel will meet to determine the following:

  • DA20/0340 Community Hall and Parks Avenue Reserve, 21 Parkes Avenue, Werrington
  • DA19/0655 1–23 Lenore Drive, Erskine Park Industrial development

Information about upcoming meetings and relevant documents from past meetings is available on the Local Planning Panel web page.