Homes and Heat
- Details
- Written by: Philippa Borland Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Homes & Heat: Inspirational Design, Building, and Retrofit Solutions
Council's recent Homes and Heat: Inspiring Design, Building and Retrofit Solutions was a great success.
The original event was due to be held in the Library, but sold out within days due to overwhelming interest! In the end over 300 people registered to attend and learn more about making our homes cooler and more efficient.
The community event was opened by Councillor John Thain, and our expert presenters included Dr Josh Byrne from ABC's Gardening Australia talking about his 10 star rated home, Mark Davis of Mark Davis Design talking about the Passive House system, and Nevin Sweeney from Permaculture Sydney West talking about the practical low cost actions he undertook to make his home more efficient and sustainable. Our Mayor, Councillor Ross Fowler, provided some closing remarks.
Each of the presentations were filmed, please click here to view them.
To stay informed when these videos are released online, please subscribe to Council’s Sustainability eNews.
If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Sustainability and Resilience Team on 02 4732 7983 or
Image: Josh’s House
Photographer: Acorn Photo
Image supplied by: Dr Josh Byrne