Council Election

Council Election

2024 Council election

The Local Government elections will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024, and will be managed by the NSW Electoral Commission.  

If you live in Penrith and are on the electoral roll, you must vote in the Local Government elections on or before Saturday 14 September 2024. Voting is compulsory, and fines apply if you don’t cast your vote.  

It is important to remember that Penrith is made up of three wards – North, South and East. If you are voting on the day, you must vote in your ward. Find out which ward you live in on the Government & Wards webpage.   

The polls will be open from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 14 September 2024. 

To find out more information, such as how to apply for a postal vote and where you can go to vote, visit the NSW Electoral Commission’s 2024 NSW Local Government elections webpage.  

The NSW Electoral Commission’s website also has helpful information for any questions from voters and candidates via the FAQ page.  

Information about the Local Government elections is available in 24 different community languages.  

Non-residential rolls 

The non-residential rolls provide people who are non-resident owners, occupiers and rate-paying lessees of rateable land within the Penrith City Council local government area, an opportunity to have a say in who is elected to Council.  

For individual owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees please fill out this Non-residential roll – Individual application form and return it to Council. 

For the nomination of an elector by joint/several, corporate or trustee owners, occupiers or ratepaying lessees please fill out this Non-residential roll – Nominee application form and return it to Council. 

How to submit your form 
The form must be received by the general manager of Penrith City Council by 6:00pm (EST) Monday 5 August 2024.  
By post:   PO BOX 60, Penrith, NSW, 2751  
By hand:  601 High Street, Penrith 2750  
By email:   

For more information regarding the non-residential roll please visit the NSW Electoral Commission’s non-residential enrolment for local government elections webpage.  

Thinking about becoming a Councillor? 

Have you considered becoming a councillor? Being a councillor is an opportunity to make a difference in your local area and represent the interests of residents around you.   

Here is some helpful links for more information: 

Candidate information sessions

The NSW Electoral Commission is conducting a series of webinars for candidates and other political participants in the lead-up to the 2024 NSW Local Government Elections.  

Register your attendance for the webinars on the NSW Electoral Commission’s webpage.   

Penrith Council is hosting a Councillor Pre-Candidate Information Session run by Local Government NSW (LGNSW) on Thursday 18 July 2024 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Attendees will gain valuable information on the roles and responsibilities of a Councillor, how Council meetings are run and how to nominate as a candidate for the upcoming election. 

The in-person session will be facilitated by David Evans, the former General Manager of Maitland City Council, who has over 50 years’ experience in local government.  

The free session will be held at the Penrith City Council Civic Centre at 601 High Street, Penrith.  

Registration is recommended to secure your spot, via this website:

On Saturday 4 December 2021, the local government election of Councillors took place in Penrith, administered by the Australian Election Company.

Final 2021 Councillor Election results

A report must be prepared in accordance with obligations under Section 393A of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 which requires the General Manager to Report on the Election.

Conduct of the 2021 Election Report