Electronic Determinations

Electronic Determinations

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (in Schedule 2, Part 5) allows panel members to conduct its meetings in public or to consider and electronic determination. This decision is at the discretion of the Chair.

Please see below the Statement of Reasons for development applications that were determined electronically by the Penrith Local Planning Panel: 


The Penrith Local Planning Panel met to determine the following:
• 11-21 Milford Road LONDONDERRY, NSW, 2753 - DA23/0990

Penrith Local Planning Panel Determination and Statement of Reasons - DA23_0990 at 11-21 Milford Road LONDONDERRY

• 142 Old Bathurst Road, EMU PLAINS, NSW, 2750 - Mod24/0052
Local Planning Panel Determination and Statement of Reason for Mod24/0052

• 29 Allan Road, MULGOA, NSW, 2745 – DA24/0406
Local Planning Panel Determination and Statement of Reason for DA24/0406