Expanded role for aerotropolis authority

Expanded role for aerotropolis authority

The importance of strategic planning and delivery for Penrith, and the wider Western Sydney region, has been reaffirmed with the creation of the Western Parkland City Authority.

aerial view of Penrith

The new authority is an expansion of the current Western City and Aerotropolis Authority which oversees the delivery of the aerotropolis surrounding the future Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.

Within the aerotropolis is Penrith’s Northern Gateway Precinct. With 4,000ha of available land, the precinct will offer high technology jobs, education, research and development, as well as food production and processing.

A broader authority boundary, which aligns with the entire area in the Western Sydney City Deal, will turbocharge initiatives under the Western Sydney City Deal for a faster and more sustainable economic and community recovery from COVID-19.

Penrith will benefit from a number of projects aligned to the City Deal; including the Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport (previously known as the North South Rail link) which will provide a rail connection between the future Western Sydney International Airport and St Marys. The project recently received a funding boost to get the critical infrastructure underway.

The revitalisation of Regatta Park is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments as part of the Western Sydney City Deal's Liveability Program. The $15 million injection into the project, along with $9 million from Council, will support local character, wellbeing and belonging in communities.

The new Authority was established to help ensure the momentum in Western Sydney continues and would be focused on integrated delivery across the Western Parkland City.


Image: Penrith is one of eight local government areas that form the Western Parkland City