Jordan Springs Community Hub grand opening
- Details
- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Thursday, 5 April 2018
Penrith City Council is excited to open the brand new Community Hub at Jordan Springs. We’re celebrating with a free open day and official opening on Saturday 14 April.
Penrith City Council is excited to open the brand new Community Hub at Jordan Springs. We're celebrating with a free open day and official opening on Saturday 14 April.
The whole community is invited to come along and enjoy free fun entertainment and activities, and have a look at this incredible community facility. The festivities are on from 11am - 2pm at the Hub, 2-6 Cullen Avenue Jordan Springs. There'll be music, a pop-up library, Council's Mobile Playvan, entertainment and free burgers for lunch. You'll also be able to see what groups and activities will be happening in the Hub, and find out how you can make a booking.
Penrith Mayor Cr John Thain said he is really looking forward to officially opening the Jordan Springs Community Hub.
"It's not every day as Mayor you get to open a facility like this," Cr Thain said.
"Often a new building is just a building, but the collaboration between Council and Lendlease in co-designing the Community Hub has been outstanding, and has created something special," he continued.
"Every part of the Hub has been designed with the community in mind, and it has the highest standard of accessibility. It is the first public building in NSW to be constructed from cross-laminated timber, a lightweight and strong engineered wood product, and also includes a sustainable geothermal heating and cooling system.
"I'm looking forward to seeing the community in the space, and celebrate with them at the grand opening," he said.
Lendlease Communities General Manager NSW/ACT, Arthur Ilias said it was exciting to provide the community with a permanent space that put social needs and sustainability at the forefront.
"The Jordan Springs community has outgrown the temporary space, so we are extremely thrilled to deliver this important facility for our community and the broader region.
"The Hub has been designed to meet the educational, social and recreational needs of the whole community today and well into the future."
It is a multifunctional space that can be easily used by the community for group meetings and activities, and special events like birthday parties.
The Hub will be open on weekdays for the public to use, either for pre-booked events, or even to pop in and grab a coffee, read the paper or do some study or work.
Information about the Hub, and how the community can use it for activities and events is available on the Halls & Community Centres page.
Caption: The brand new Community Hub at Jordan Springs
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Thursday, 5 April 2018.