City Deal secures Penrith’s future
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- Written by: Adam Gatt Penrith City Council (02) 4732 7777 (02) 4732 7958 601 High St Penrith NSW 2750 Australia

Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Penrith residents are set to benefit from significant investment in the region as Penrith Council secures funding for local projects through the Western City Deal.
Penrith residents are set to benefit from significant investment in the region as Penrith Council secures funding for local projects through the Western City Deal.
The Western City Deal is a new and bold approach to managing cities and economies; unifying three levels of government - Federal, State and Local to deliver smart and responsible growth for Western Sydney.
This innovative planning partnership brings eight local councils together for the first time in a strategic approach aimed at delivering shared outcomes for the region's diverse communities.
The Western City Deal delivers much needed investment in infrastructure and job creation, and at its centre is a commitment from Federal and State Governments to jointly fund Stage One of the North South Rail Link.
Penrith Council has been campaigning for many years for this rail line and Penrith Mayor John Thain said he is thrilled it is now confirmed to be delivered within the next 8 years.
"Council has been a leading advocate for North-South Rail since 2015 and the announcement that this piece of infrastructure is a key focus of the Western City Deal is testament to the determination and hard work of many people across this organisation," Cr Thain said.
"The North-South Rail Link will transform this region; stimulating the growth of local employment hubs, invigorating housing development, slashing commuting times and creating thriving communities unshackled from the constraints of poor connectivity."
Stage One of the North South Rail Link will connect St Marys to the new Western Sydney Airport before it opens in 2026, with 70% of local residents indicating in a recent survey they would use the new rail line to reduce their travel times and traffic congestion.
The Western City Deal further boosts connectivity across the region with the establishment of rapid bus services connecting metropolitan areas including Penrith to the new Western Sydney Airport, and Digital Infrastructure to support economic and social outcomes.
Targeted initiatives to create 200,000 knowledge jobs, drive investment and develop skills across the region future-proofs this new Western City for the 1.5 million residents who will call this City home within 20 years.
Council's commitment to deliver more local jobs is longstanding, Council welcomes new opportunities outlined in the City Deal that gives Penrith's residents access to the best jobs closer to home for a greater work-life balance.
Cr Thain said with all the planned development, preserving our unique way of life and supporting environmental assets and ecology was an important feature of the deal.
"Locally the shared $150 million Liveability Fund will be used to deliver parts of the Our River Masterplan, which Council has been advocating for since 2013. This will bring our river to life, to allow more people to enjoy our natural asset while boasting tourism and recreational activities for residents and visitors to our city.
"With this Western City Deal we now have a framework to create a smart city that is more liveable, more productive, has more advanced skills and is more innovative. Now the work begins to ensure that all opportunities are maximised for the people of Penrith," Cr Thain said.
"There is no doubt that the Western City will be the powerhouse of the state and a key player on the world stage. It's an exciting time to live in Penrith; the heart of this new Western City."
Photo caption: A landmark agreement between three levels of government sets a vision for a new Western City.
Front Row - Left to Right:
Cr Chris Van der Kley - Deputy Mayor Blue Mountains City Council, Cr Mary Lyons-Buckett - Mayor Hawkesbury City Council, Cr Lara Symkowiak - Mayor Camden Council, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP - Premier New South Wales, The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP - Prime Minister Commonwealth of Australia, Wendy Waller - Mayor Liverpool City Council, Cr John Thain - Mayor Penrith City Council, Cr Judith Hannan - Mayor Wollondilly Shire Council.
Back Row - Left to Right:
The Hon Angus Taylor MP - Minister for Law Enforcement & Cybersecurity, The Hon Stuart Ayres MP - Minister for Western Sydney, Minister for WestConnex & Minister for Sport, The Hon Paul Fletcher MP - Minister for Urban Infrastructure & Cities, Cr Frank Carbone - Mayor Fairfield City Council, Cr George Brticevic - Mayor Campbelltown City Council
Information contained within this news release was correct as at Tuesday, 6 March 2018.