Council’s Draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan is now open for feedback

Council’s Draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan is now open for feedback

Friday, 8 September 2023

Penrith City Council is pleased to announce the release of its Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan for public review and input. 

This innovative strategy outlines Council's commitment to addressing the pressing issue of affordable housing within the community.

Building on recent planning initiatives including the Affordable Rental Housing Contributions Scheme for Glenmore Park Stage 3 and Orchard Hills North. the Draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan form a comprehensive approach, that addresses both supply and diversity of affordable housing as well as support for the housing and homelessness sectors.

The draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan is a result of collaborative efforts involving local stakeholders, community advocates, housing experts, and council. The strategy recognises that all residents of Penrith will benefit from access to housing that is affordable and meets their needs.

Key objectives of the strategy:
• increase the availability and diversity of affordable housing
• support innovative housing solutions that cater to diverse demographic needs;
• support a strong and robust housing, homelessness and community services sector; and
• collaborate with public and private partners to leverage resources for housing projects.

Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said that access to affordable housing has become increasingly difficult across the country and in the Penrith LGA over the last few years.

"We firmly believe that the creation of affordable housing is a shared responsibility, and community input is invaluable in shaping the direction of this strategy,” Cr Hitchen said.

“I urge all residents to take part in this opportunity to make a positive impact on the future of affordable housing in our city.”

How to Participate:
Residents and stakeholders can access the Draft Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan and provide their feedback at until Friday 6 October

Information contained within this news release was correct as at Friday, 8 September 2023.