Council’s vision for prime riverfront site

Council’s vision for prime riverfront site

In a key location at the entry to the Regatta Park precinct and adjacent to the Nepean River, Council has recently lodged plans to transform an historic cottage into a café and restaurant.

The restoration of the former Police Cottage forms part of Council’s larger city-shaping, revitalisation aspirations that will see Penrith connected from the CBD through to the Nepean River by beautiful parks, natural canopies and vibrant spaces for people to eat, meet, relax and celebrate together.

The local heritage listed cottage was built in 1908 and served as a police station and police residence until the 1950s. The property is owned by NSW Crown Lands; a state government department. Council has been working with the Department to ensure the Cottage is respectfully restored and opened to the public. article policemans cottage

Council’s vision is to bring the dilapidated Cottage back to life, delivering a destination for dining while preserving local history and maximising its magnificent views of the Nepean River.

The development application (DA) follows a Conservation Management Plan prepared for the site and includes façade restoration and replacement works to the verandas, roof, services upgrades, and internal refurbishments as well as an upgrade to the original outdoor toilet facility.

The application also proposes a new decked outdoor dining area which will be shaded by the row of mature Jacaranda trees at the edge of the site and ensure patrons can enjoy the views of the iconic Yandhai Nepean Crossing and Nepean River.

 “The River is one our City’s favourite places. Our plans for this area also include transforming the adjacent Regatta Park precinct to include event and festival spaces, picnic areas, river terraces, a regional playground and potential further dining option,” a Council spokesperson said.

To transform the broader Regatta Park precinct, Council will invest $9 million in addition to the $15 million secured from the Australian and NSW Government Liveability Fund  as part of the .Western Sydney City Deal . The project is seeking grant funding of $1million as an investment contribution from Crown Lands NSW (as the property owner) through the Crown Reserve Improvement Fund. Council secured $15m from the as part of the and will invest a further $9m transforming the broader Regatta Park precinct.

Image: Artist impression of the former Policeman's Cottage