Workshop shapes transport strategy

Workshop shapes transport strategy

Council staff and other key stakeholders attended a Transport for NSW workshop at the Civic Centre in July to further unpack the Greater Penrith Collaboration Place-Based Transport Strategy.

Transport Workshop

The workshop, the third held in Penrith since the Greater Sydney Commission launched its broader Greater Penrith Collaboration Area Place Strategy in June, focused on traffic, access and parking.

The comprehensive plan for action is a shared vision, across all levels of government and community. It includes most modes of transport, is customer focused and driven by “movement and place” principles.

Workshop attendees explored the transport focused Strategy’s collaborative roadmap to maximise the potential of Greater Penrith. Its objectives include:

  • the need to identify and deliver pathways before business cases are established
  • a coordinated approach to better planning and investment decisions, and
  • improved infrastructure and prioritisation of land use development.

Importantly, the Strategy and its actions chime with Council’s own vision for the future.

In the document, Social Commissioner, Heather Nesbitt, describes Penrith as a key metropolitan centre in the Western Parkland City.

She writes: “We want Greater Penrith to be a mix of great places with education and employment opportunities for everyone. We want to use its natural backdrop to inspire the creation or enhancement of green areas and a rich tree canopy that will help to cool Greater Penrith, bringing a lifestyle element and places to socialize as the area’s economy and diversity of jobs grow.”

For more information view the strategy in full.

Image: Focus on transport - Consultant to Transport for NSW, WSP Technical Director – Transport Advisory and Planning Graeme Steverson, leads workshop attendees through the objectives of the 'Greater Penrith Area Place-Based Transport Strategy'.