Australian Made in Penrith - SpanSet

Australian Made in Penrith - SpanSet

In this edition of Australian Made in Penrith, we discover more about SpanSet, a global manufacturer of quality safety products.

external view of multi-storey building with signthat says SpanSetSpanSet Australia Ltd has been operating in Emu Plains for over 30 years. Their head office and purpose-built facility employ over 45 onsite staff members, with more than half living locally.

Driven by safety, SpanSet has built a stellar reputation worldwide and has significantly influenced the development of standards for Height Safety equipment. The company has experience in webbing-based products, which provided the perfect background to develop the innovative range of equipment, systems, and safety management in Height Safety, Lifting, and Load Control. Their quality products are used in multiple major projects, including erecting wind turbines, moving bridges and lifting boats in shipyards.

SpanSet wears the Australian Made logo proudly; they are a proud Australian Made licensee and have several local distributors who sell their products. In addition to this, SpanSet consciously supports and employs local businesses for electrical maintenance, machining, welding and the production of bespoke components and fasteners.

Managing Director Kristian Pritchett says, "Australian manufacturing ensures that we keep jobs local, not only at SpanSet but all the industries that support us. From raw materials, packaging, logistics etc. If all we had were warehouses distributing products manufactured overseas, then a large percentage of the Australian population would be unemployed and have a very bleak future.”

The business is looking to the future and is hoping the Western Sydney Airport will generate opportunities for their Lifting Lashing and Height Safety products to be used by airlines to maintain their aircraft. Furthermore, catering staff can use their Height Safety Equipment whilst repacking aircraft galleys.

Adapting to the economic challenges, SpanSet has developed efficiencies, is currently looking for new markets, and has purchased CNC sewing machines to improve production efficiencies. They want to continue to be a part of the Penrith community for many years to come and are heavily investing in machinery to ensure they are here to stay.

We will bring you more profiles on Australian Made in Penrith businesses in the coming months. Are you a local producer, maker or manufacturer? We’d love to hear from you; email us at